Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Sherpas live in the Solu Khumbu region of glacial valleys at the southern approaches to Everest. Their name tells of the origin ( Sha - east, pa - people) and has come to be almost synonymous with great peak that dominates their country. They immigrated from Tibet about 600 years ago. Earlier they were traders and porters, carrying butter, meat, rice, sugar, paper and dye from India, and salt, wool, jewellery, Chinese silk and porcelain from Tibet and beyond. The closure of the border between India and China undermined their economy. Fortunately, with the mountaineering expeditions and trekkers, the Sherpa's found their load carrying skills, both on normal treks and high altitudes in great demand. The Kumbu region has provided a valuable contingent of able bodied, hardy and seemingly fearless Sherpa porters and guides. Sherpas major occupations include agriculture, animal husbandry, trade and have become famous for trekking and mountaineering. Today they are know worldwide for their skill and hardiness. They follow Buddhism as their major religion.